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QFN Packaged Fixed High Pass Filters 



MPG’s Quad Flat No-Lead Package (QFN) Filter fulfills the current market demand for a low cost, high performance bandpass filter, capable of meeting the space requirements common to the semiconductor and telecom industries. The small lightweight package design is available as a 10mm unit and is fabricated to reduce lead inductance.

L band, S band, C band, X band, Ku band, K band in bandpass designs.

Frequency Range: 1.5 GHz to 24 GHz

Bandwidth: 4% to 15%

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About The Technology



Where ultra-fast tuning speeds and high performance are required from a small package, the IMF Series of Bandpass and Notch Filters offer digital tunability, in 16 discrete steps, delivering maximum sensitivity and improved system performance. QFN Filters are also available as an analogue tunable device for greater flexibility in meeting budget and application requirements.

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Features & Specifications

Quad Flat No-Lead Package (QFN) Filter frequency: From 1.5 GHz to 24 GHz (L band, S band, C band, X band, Ku band, K band )

Quad Flat No-Lead Package (QFN) Filter features: QFN High Pass filters are available with up to multi-octave bandwidths and rapid transitions from passband to stop band.

Based on a comprehensive history of designing and manufacturing RF interference mitigation products, our Quad Flat No-Lead Package (QFN) Filters are built utilizing the best technological advances of the last decade. We focus on meeting customer requirements for design, safety and cost while maintaining the small package size expected in a QFN product.









Because Quad Flat No-Lead Package (QFN) Filters offer durable performance in a cost-effective small package, they can fit a wide range of applications, including those in the following markets: Defense, EW, RADAR, communications, and SATCOM.

